Samsung SIR TS360 - Satellite TV receiver / HDTV tuner (discontinued)

SIR TS360 - Satellite TV receiver / HDTV tuner
Entered CNET Catalog: 05/13/2004
SKU: 0036725136007
Manufacturer: Samsung

Manufacturer description

The new Samsung SIR-TS360 DIRECTV High Definition Receiver is a one-box wonder. Built upon Samsung's award winning HDTV tuning technology, this powerful receiver not only provides access to over 225 digital-quality audio and video channels from DIRECTV in both High Definition and Standard Definition but also brings you available free, over-the-air HD local broadcasts with the simple addition of an antenna.

User opinions

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User Rating: 6/10
Does it's job
Pros: Nice picture, good setup options
Cons: Using with new 5 LNB dish was a bad idea -- though I knew that going in.
Review: It does what it is supposed to do, I haven't had issues with resetting or any issues that some had brought up. It has a very good picture, many different ways to hook it up to your TV or system. I was just popping it out of the box after a year of so in the basement to hook it up in a kids bedroom on a non-Hdtv and it was a bit of a pain to get it working again with the new type of dish, but eventually it all got set right with the locals and has been working fine ever since.

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