Berikut adalah tehnik dasar bagaimana cara menganalisa kerusakan pada pesawat televisi :
-jenis-jenis kerusakan dan cara mengetahui kerusakan :
1. mati total.
- jika pesawat televisi tiba-tiba mati, pertama kali yang harus dilakukan adalah :
a. buka smua skrup yang ada.
b. lihat apakah fuse/sekering putus,bila putus coba ganti dengan ukuran ampere yang sama trus nyalain. jika fuse putus lagi berarti daerah power suply yang rusak.
cara mengatasinya :
- Coba ukur elco yang paling besar.ukurannya biasanya 100uf/400v.ukur bolak-balik pake avometer skala 10 ohm.jika keduanya nyambung kemungkinan diode atau transistornya rusak.
- Coba test/ukur dioda yg ada di dekat saklar on/off,ada 4 buah.pake avometer di skala 10 ohm.ukur bolak-balik.jika nyambung keduanya berarti rusak.ganti dgn ukuran yang sama.
- Coba ukur transistor yang besar,berkaki tiga.ukur kaki nomor 2 dan 3 bolak-balik pake avometer skala 10 ohm.jika keduanya nyambung berarti rusak.ganti dengan nomor yang sama.
- jika elco besar diukur sudah tidak nyambung berarti suply udah bagus.coba nyalain lagi
- kalo masih ndak mau nyala coba ukur transistor horizontal yang ada deket plyback.caranya sama dgn diatas.jika rusak ganti dgn nomor yg sama.trus coba nyalain lagi.insyaallh tv dah bisa nyala.
20R200 Sharp qbeat type MK II, with protek damage. They say the damage is caused electricity suddenly goes out. tv flame after its electricity in turn can not be a flame (flame of his moment and then led blinking).
Since the accident I have ever experienced such a case, I'm sure under the direct damage to the eepromnya. after I open the tv and then I turn on the tv casingnya by not forgetting my two wire jamperan jemper near ic program to go into service menu.
After that I was his service menu settings such as the parameters below:
Since the accident I Experienced, Standard and Poor breathing a case, I'm sure under the direct damage to the eepromnya. after I open the tv and then I turn on the tv casingnya by a two-wire my notes algorithm use forgetting factor jamperan jemper near ic program to go into service menu.
Sharp TV qbeat type MK II with protek
AGC | 20 | DL 4A | 12 | HTL | 0 |
V LIN | 32 | DL AV | 12 | BTSC | 0 |
V AMP | 44 | COL OP | 14 | AV | 1 |
V CEN | 21 | COL OS | 14 | FMWS | 0 |
H CEN | 32 | COL 03 | 10 | SM0 | 1 |
H SIZE | 32 | COL 04 | 10 | SM1 | 0 |
EW// | 32 | SHP OP | 8 | THA | 0 |
PARA | 32 | SHP OS | 4 | ARA | 0 |
COR (U) | 32 | SHP 03 | 12 | MAL | 0 |
COR (L) | 32 | SHP 04 | 8 | CHI | 0 |
TRAPE | 32 | BM ON | 0 | FRE | 0 |
HB | 32 | BM EFF | 2 | RUS | 0 |
S CORE | 17 | AGC ON | 1 | FSC | 0 |
DRI RS | 32 | AGC ADJ | 3 | HP2 | 0 |
DRI GS | 32 | AGC N | 0 | AGC 0 | 1 |
DRI BS | 53 | GAIN | 1 | AGC 1 | 0 |
DRI RC | 25 | FM VL | 21 | FOA - FE | 0 |
DRI GC | 24 | IRG VL | 30 | FOB - FE | 0 |
DRI BC | 52 | BG NLV | 20 | FOA - AV | 0 |
DRI RW | 32 | I NLV | 18 | FOB - AV | 0 |
DRI GW | 29 | DK LNV | 13 | TXT | 0 |
DRI BW | 44 | LOW ERR | 20 | TXT - WE | 0 |
SUB VOL | 60 | UP ERR | 70 | TXT-EURO | 0 |
SUB CON | 63 | IGR STR | 3 | IF-38.0 | 0 |
SUB COL | 19 | VCO | 0 | CP | 0 |
SUB BRI | 23 | BKS | 1 | AN5890 | 0 |
SUB TNT | 29 | AVL | 1 | AN5891 | 1 |
SUB SHAP | 20 | FFI | 0 | AN7396 | 0 |
HTL VOL | 32 | EVG | 1 | NICAM | 0 |
HTL PROC | 255 | EHT | 1 | IRG | 0 |
BD CONT | 10 | OSO | 0 | GAME | 0 |
RGB | 15 | ACL | 0 | BIL | 0 |
CUT R | 28 | FLO | 0 | LED-F | 0 |
CUT G | 24 | S M | 0 | MSA | 0 |
CDL | 7 | S-DK | 0 | NDF | 1 |
DL PT | 12 | S-I | 0 | A2 | 0 |
DL ST | 15 | S-BG | 1 | ||
DL 3T | 12 | P-SCAM | 0 | ||
DL 4T | 12 | F-N538 | 0 | ||
DL TV | 12 | F-N443 | 0 | ||
DL PA | 2 | F-SECAM | 0 | ||
DL SA | 15 | VMI | 1 | ||
DL 3A | 12 | VMc | 1 |
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